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Jeweler Makes Rainy Day Brighter for the Couple

Jun 27, 2011

POPLAR BLUFF, MO -- You remember that old song by the Carpenters, "Rainy Days and Mondays"?

Yeah....rainy days and Mondays always get people down. And even worse is a rainy day that is your wedding day!

Or is it?

Travis and Ashley Brown of Perryville were kind of bummed when it started raining on their wedding day. Actually, "raining" is an understatement. It was more like a monsoon, Over 2" of rain before it was over.

But....talk about a silver lining in those clouds! Travis had bought Ashley's engagement ring at Hilderbrand Diamond Company. And....Hilderbrand Diamond Company makes a promise to every couple who buys their rings at Hilderbrand. That promise is....if it rains on your wedding day an inch ore more....you get up to $3000 of your engagement ring purchase refunded!

Travis is so glad he bought the ring at Hilderbrand Diamond Company. Ashley loved the ring, and it made a rainy wedding day not so bad after all!

And to think it might not have ever happened!

To add interest to the story, Travis recalls the day he bought Ashley's ring was right before Valentine's Day a year ago. A strange thing happened that day.

As Travis was coming into the store, an ambulance pulled up out front. A 911 call had come into dispatching from Tammy Hilderbrand (owner), who thought Kevin was having a heart attack. As Kevin (Tammy's Husband and Jeweler) was being wheeled out to the ambulance, he yelled at Travis, "You gotta buy that ring! Because now I have to pay for a fancy ride to the hospital!"

Travis almost backed out. There wouldn't be a great guarantee on a ring bought from some guy that croaked!

But, Travis manned-up. He bought that ring, because he knew it was the perfect ring for Ashley.

And happy ending! Ashley adored the ring. Kevin was fine.

And....it rained.....and rained....and rained on Travis and Ashley's wedding day.

Keywords: Wedding Day, Rain On Your Wedding Day, Hope For rain, Engagement  Arts and Entertainment » Artists

Contact Info
  • HIlderbrand Diamond Company
  • Tammy Hilderbrand
  • 573-218-0777