Act Now On Spring Cleaning Discount With Four Star General Cleaning
All schools and offices that sign up with Four Star General Cleaning by the end of April will get our spring cleaning first month discount.
Industry » General
'Hitman' Howie Tee New Creative Director at 36 Production Music
36 Production Music, a leading online source for top quality real beats, innovative hip sounds, and trending music and has named celebrity music producer Howard Thompson, aka 'Hitman' Howie Tee, as the new creative director for the company.
Music » General
Orleans Dentist Discusses the Upcoming Annual Spring Meeting Happening in Toront
Orleans dentist Dr. Mark Northcott and his partner Dr. David Bartos review the details of the Annual Spring Meeting in May.
Medical » Dental
Carrie Ford, One Woman's Grand National
It takes a very special person to ride in the Grand National. So when Grand National Guide was given the chance to interview one of only fourteen women to have attempted the race we leapt at the opportunity.
Gambling » Horseracing
New Production Facility for Alan David Custom
Custom suit maker in New York City, Alan David Custom, has announced purchase of a new factory in Long Island City, N.Y., that is now at full capacity and produces every handmade suit.
Fashion » Apparel
Make the Most of your Savings with
A survey showed that nearly a third of Brits regretted not saving last year. Find the best price comparison site such as
Financial » Personal
Antivirus Security 2013 (Fake) Tries to Extort Money Through Deceptive Schemes
A program by the name of Antivirus Security 2013 has been identified by the PC security team at to be a rogue antispyware application designed with the primary intention to extort money from unsuspecting computer users.
Technology » Security
Smart Tweezers Fully Automatic LCR Meter Gains Support in Over 27 Countries
Siborg System Inc.'s revolutionary tool for testing and troubleshooting electronics gains distributors on 5 continents, gets the first calibration center for Europe, launches new user websites per region, and new model development has begun.
Technology » Electronics
Breast Cancer Research Boost - 50% Donation, Proceeds from Sales of XBlue Phone
Customers and people who want to help the cause are already pre-ordering the special Pink X16 phones which sell at the same distributor price as, and have the same impressive business features of, regular Xblue X16 business desk phones.
Technology » Hardware
ZuzuDrive Announces New Products And An Updated Website
ZuzuDrive, the international USB flash drive company, announced today that they have updated their online web store and added new flash drives to their line of products.
Technology » Computers
Long Island Experiencing Problematic Toxic Mold Infestation
The flooding and devastation caused from Super storm Sandy Cultivates A "Perfect Storm" for a toxic mold pandemic as spring is just around the corner
Home and Garden » General
NYC Therapist Launches Workshop Series in Expanded Union Square Offices
New York therapist and clinical sexologist, Dr. Michael DeMarco and his staff begin offering new therapy groups and workshops
Medical » Mental Health
iPods Added To Menu at The Old School Game Vault
The Old School Game Vault, owners and operators of the online video game store, has added iPods to the list of video games and gaming consoles that they buy and sell.
Technology » Games
Four Star General Cleaning Announces Discounts to New Clients in Honor of Presid
To celebrate President's Week Four Star General Cleaning is offering 10% off all new monthly accounts, who sign up by the end of February
Business » Franchise
New Headquarters for HomesOn30a in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida
HomesOn30a opens new headquarters on Scenic Highway 30-A in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida and becomes the newest real estate brokerage company to establish a foothold along this renowned section of Florida coastline.
Real Estate » Houses
Sunglasses Love Offers Shoppers 500 New Styles for 2013
Shoppers to the Sunglasses Love will find 500 new styles in their inventory for 2013. The company will also addi a new virtual trial room where customers can upload their picture to see how they will look wearing any pair of sunglasses they select.
Fashion » Other
The Active Gaming Company Chosen as Exclusive Partner to Lightspace Corporation
The Active Gaming Company (AGC) has been chosen as the exclusive distributor of Lightspace Corporation products. This agreement serves as an example to the industry of how things are progressing for the Active Gaming Company.
Health and Fitness » General
Mazelmoments To Release Groundbreaking E-Books
Mazelmoments, the award-winning website for planning Jewish inspired events announced that it will be releasing two reports covering the latest trends for Jewish Weddings, Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah celebrations.
Hospitality » General
Sea Turtle Exhibitors and Vendors Invite Baltimore Residents to 'Connect'
Connect with scientists, conservationists, citizen scientists, and volunteers in Baltimore, MD to learn, share, and network with others from around the globe about sea turtle conservation. Hosted by the International Sea Turtle Society.
Science » Marine
New York Microscope Announces Launch Of New Website -
New York Microscope Company, Inc., will be launching a new, sister website, to operate along with their existing website
Science » Research