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Key to Safer, Cheaper Healthcare is to Control 'Systems' Not People

Mar 06, 2011

SAN DIEGO, CA -- Sensible healthcare reform would fix the problem of the uninsured, strengthen the doctor-patient relationship and decrease medical errors.

"The real answer to improving medical care in America," says anesthesiologist Adam Dorin, M.D., MBA, "is to honestly assess the risks, threats, and opportunities which face patients every day in hospitals across America."

Dorin adds, "Obamacare could have been one hundred pages long, instead of over two thousand. It should have focused on two main concepts: Americans all deserve some basic medical coverage; there are too many 'medical errors' costing too many lives."

The answer, according to Dorin (who is also the founder of America's Medical Society, and author of the healthcare safety and security book "Jihad and American Medicine"), is simpler than it might appear. Doctor Dorin believes that once the Washington politics are dusted away, the window on workable solutions is quite clear: allow competition of health insurance companies across state lines, adopt fair tort laws that include 'loser pays' rules and take the plaintiff attorneys out of the malpractice industry 'driver's seat', allow physicians to receive tax credits for charity care, and create incentives to protect the direct doctor-patient relationship (such as direct patient-to-doctor pay mandates that take insurance companies out of initial payment loop). "People pay less, want less, and ultimately need less medical care when they are the ones directly paying for their own medical services," says Dorin. "Health insurance really should only be for big ticket items such as hospitalizations and catastrophic care; the rest could be handled through expanded health savings accounts, vouchers, and creative means to decrease-not increase-taxes."

On the question of the uninsured, Dorin says "Money can be used to give this coverage to patients instead of being wasted on further 'regulating' and complicating the current system…and some of this money can come from simple techniques to minimize errors in medications, wrong-site surgeries, and unnecessary procedures." Dorin goes on, "over one hundred thousand Americans die each year from preventable health system errors; this has a societal and financial ripple effect that adds billions annually to our medical system…instead of getting together partisan politicians to write thousands of pages of bureaucracy, what we really need is to adopt healthcare provider system-based training that is modeled after the protocol-driven paradigms of airline pilots. Complex systems need organized protocols, not onerous regulatory oversight."

Notes Dorin, "If the President was serious about savings lives in the medical arena, he'd suspend implementation of Obamacare now, and reconvene a pool of industry safety experts to write a simplified new version of the PPACA bill." "Contrary to what some might think, safety is cheap. It's the unnecessary layers of misplaced regulations and preventable tragedies that are running our national medical infrastructure into bankruptcy."

Keywords: healthcare reform, america'../../../industry/government/healthcare/govhea.html">Government » Healthcare

Contact Info
  • America's Medical Society
  • Adam F. Dorin, M.D., MBA
  • 858-344-0083