Wepolls.com: Rep. Ron Paul Wins First Debate, Herman Cain Comes in Second
May 6, 2011
by Wepolls
Following the first in the nation GOP presidential primary debate on May 5th, 2011, WEPOLLS.COM is ready to declare Texas Congressman RON PAUL the winner of the contest.
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The McCain Surge: 6 Reasons Why He'll Likely Defeat Obama for the Presidency
October 30, 2008
by The Political Press Wire, Inc.
Senator John McCain is making crucial 11th hour gains nationally and in a few key battleground states as he tries to close the gap between rival Barack Obama. An in-depth examination of the current presidential race reveals 6 key points that favor McCain.
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rVibe Live Streams Live Concerts for Rock 'N Vote in NYC and Philly
September 24, 2008
by rVibe Live
rVibe live, in support of the 2008 election initiative "Yes we can, Rock N' Vote" will stream concerts live from NYC and Philadelphia Sunday, September 28th from Club Rehab and The Fire.
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ServeYourNation.com Encourages Youth of Military Age to Avoid Service
March 21, 2008
by Bob Miller Writes
According to the Washington Post, March 19 marked the fifth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war. As the number of confirmed U.S. deaths nears 4,000, the article queried: Has it been a war worth fighting?
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Perkins Announces Presidential Bid, Running As The Forgotten Voter's Voice
March 12, 2008
by Perkins for President
Bill Perkins, a Tennessee man, is announcing his campaign for President as an answer to all of those citizens who are disappointed by this Presidential Race.
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Celebrating the American Christmas
November 23, 2007
by Bridge Biography American Historians
Bridge Biography American History Company is sponsoring a short-essay contest that asks: "if you could invite any figure from American history to your family's holiday dinner, who would it be and why?"
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Clinton and Obama Battle for 2008 Presidential Campaign Funds
June 28, 2007
by Kandover Media
Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are locked in a tight race for campaign cash.
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