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Kenya-Born Author Devises Peaceful Life Changer

Jun 21, 2014

NAIROBI -- After observing human suffering and follies for along time, an unknown Kenyan Writer, John Lerrato, has come up with an earth-stopping hypothesis that could change life on earth forever. The idea, itself, though far-fetched for such a divided world, could actually work, courtesy of a God out there. If one exists of course.

The idea is to identify all the religious beliefs of the world, and also develop one agreeable universal message for our perceived Creator. And then, all converting, to each identified religion, at the same time and passing on the message. If there is no response we all move to the next religion until an answer is received.

While this test is unlikely happen or result in anything, John Lerrato believes that a Creator, if one exists, might be impressed by the 'mere thought and just make it or some other initiative work. That is if the idea can spread around the world. Our Creator might be looking to see if all of humanity, regardless of race, religion, tribe etc. could consider the idea.

Another likely impact of this hypothesis, is changing societies' lopsided view of who is praying to the right Creator. Mr. Lerrato believes that our Creator could be anything and everything; including not being in existence. "If our true Creator is all powerful and Omni-present, and can come to earth as a ball of fire or burning bush, then why can't he be all the Gods in all the virtue encouraging religions, at the same time?" he asks.

The other likely outcome of his proposal is a new awakening that mankind, irrespective of race, religion, tribe etc can now be able to consider and share ground-breaking ideas that require the effort of almost every single person on earth. Through the internet and viral marketing, man can now come up with "noble ideas" and pass it to nearly everyone using the internet. For example, if is there is a global call for planting a tree, around World environment day, then the outcome of this effort is likely to be more effective if the rallying call is passed on from one friend to another. "You can call it friendly or beneficial spamming or anything, but it can help the world, " quips Mr. Lerrato.

John Lerrato is the writer, and modern day philosopher and owner of www.divineovertures.com and similar ebook that covers a lot of divine ventures that man can perform it resolve the issue that are plaguing mankind. His views are somewhat satirical, but very eye-opening.

Keywords: Kenya, Author, Peace, Religion, Humans  Religion » General

Contact Info
  • John Lerrato Publishers
  • John Lerrato
  • +254722678700