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K9 University Detection Service Launches Free Anti-Drug School Curriculum

Feb 12, 2014

OKLAHOMA CITY -- K9 University Detection Services has launched a free anti-drug school curriculum for every school that contracts for their services. "We are convinced that along with the obvious deterrence and detection that a good drug-dog sweep program provides, a comprehensive education program that addresses the effects of mind-altering drugs is equally crucial," said K9 University President and CEO, Angel Soriano.

In addition to their school anti-drug curriculum, K9 University is also introducing another free curriculum called, "Recognizing the Signs of Drug Abuse in the Workplace," which is being offered to the management of companies that contract for their drug-dog detection services. K9 University is proud of their role in detecting and curbing the use of illicit drugs. Many citizens aren't aware that police dogs are prohibited from searching for prescription drugs but K9 University dogs can and do detect these drugs. In fact, K9 University, because they are a private drug-dog company, can be hired to search for prescription pills, guns or any other dangerous materials that a client has deemed as prohibited on their property. It is also worth noting that K9 University dogs are not involved in any arrests. K9 University simply identifies the substance and allows the client to manage the outcome.

"We feel strongly that educating key personnel in recognizing critical human behavioral patterns, combined with drug-dog sweeps, is an essential part of mitigating the tremendous liability faced by employers when dealing with drug abuse in the workplace," said Soriano. K9 University also has a new, affordable residential drug-dog search program that gives parents the same tools that schools and businesses have available to them.

About K9 University LLC:  K9 University LLC is a drug-dog detection and education company. Based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the company offers the most comprehensive drug-dog detection and drug education services in the country. They provide drug detection services to commercial businesses, schools, private and public institutions and residences to help detect and curb drug abuse in the U.S.

K9 University, LLC.

9217 Expressway St.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73099

Email: info@k9drugsearch.com
Website: www.k9drugsearch.com

Keywords: www.k9drugsearch.com  Medical » Pharmaceutical

Contact Info
  • K9 University LLC
  • Angel Soriano, President/CEO
  • 405-532-3993