Systat Software Announces SigmaPlot Version 13
August 8, 2014
by Systat Software, Inc.
The most advanced scientific graphing and statistical analysis software now includes Forest and Kernel Density plots, ANCOVA, Principal Components Analysis, new color schemes and significant legend improvements.
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EveryoneTexts Inc. Announces Blackberry, 'TextSmart-DriveSafe' Safety App
March 26, 2012
by everyonetexts inc
E1T, a premier provider of Smart Phone Applications, introduces a new and effective app for the Blackberry Market to prevent texting while driving: once the Phone is moved at a speed as low as 1 MPH.
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Best Electronic Cigarette - Cheapest Electronic Cigarette - MUST READ
July 17, 2011
With other major e cigarette companies such as GreenSmoke, Bluecigs, V2 Selling starter kits for $129.99 per kit, it is no wonder consumers are swarming to ZEROCIG for their High Quality Starter kits for only $29.99!
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Key to Safer, Cheaper Healthcare is to Control 'Systems' Not People
March 6, 2011
by America's Medical Society
Sensible healthcare reform would fix the problem of the uninsured, strengthen the doctor-patient relationship and decrease medical errors.
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BaySpec-Rigaku Sign Distribution Agreement for Handheld Raman Analyzers
March 2, 2011
by Rigaku Americas Corporation
BaySpec, Inc. and Rigaku Corporation have signed an exclusive sales distribution agreement covering BaySpec's FirstGuard and Xantus series Handheld Raman devices, covering North America, Japan and Asia-Pacific markets.
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Rigaku Selected As Equipment Provider for UK National Crystallography Service
February 4, 2011
by Rigaku Americas Corporation
UK National Crystallography Service (NCS) has chosen to Rigaku as the primary vendor for a major upgrade of their single crystal X-ray diffraction facilities at the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory within the University of Southampton.
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Lubricating Oils and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel - New EDXRF Application Reports
October 18, 2010
by Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc.
Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc. is pleased to publish three new application reports for the petroleum market that feature the capabilities of the advanced Rigaku NEX CG EDXRF with Cartesian Geometry.
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Africa and Human Development (the Freedom Series for Inner Fulfillment)
October 3, 2010
by Global Centre For Research
The context of this self reflection course is that theories about human origins are at the heart of what it means to be a human being...
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Oxford Cryosystems Ltd announces Management Buyout from Bionostics Ltd
September 24, 2010
by Oxford Cryosystems Ltd
Market leading specialist scientific instrument company, Oxford Cryosystems Ltd is pleased to announce the successful management buy-out of the company from Bionostics Ltd.
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EDXRF for RoHS Elemental Analysis
July 1, 2010
by Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc.
New application report for the Rigaku NEX CG EDXRF with Cartesian Geometry. This Application Note #1033 shows performance for the elemental analysis of Cl and elements regulated by RoHS in plastics.
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Rigaku ScreenMachine Delivers Protein Crystal Diffraction Screening
July 1, 2010
by Rigaku
Rigaku ScreenMachine, the newest member of the renowned Rigaku HomeLab family of single crystal XRD for protein crystallography, delivers protein crystal diffraction screening for cryo-condition and synchrotron utilization optimization.
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W3Creative Releases Version 4 of its
June 12, 2010
by Simcountry
Bilthoven, The Netherlands, June 1. the creator of the simcountry game announces the release of its latest version.
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Rigaku Announces the Micro-Z Sulfur Benchtop WDXRF Analyzer
March 26, 2010
by Rigaku Americas Corporation
Rigaku announces the Micro-Z sulfur analyzer. Designed for low level sulfur analysis, this benchtop wavelength dispersive XRF (WDXRF) instrument is self contained, requiring only 110 V power to operate.
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Rigaku Introduces Cartesian Geometry EDXRF at PittCon 2010
March 3, 2010
by Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc.
Employing polarized excitation for lower detection limits and unique software for reduced standards' requirements, the Rigaku NEX CG provides part-per-billion (ppb) level detection limits for aqueous samples when used with the patented UltraCarry®.
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Rigaku Introduces On-line XRT Sulfur Gauge at PittCon 2010
March 2, 2010
by Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc.
Rigaku NEX XT is an advanced process analyzer for sulfur (S) measurement (0.02% to 6% S) of crude, bunker fuel, fuel oils, and other highly viscous hydrocarbons, including residuums.
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New Analytical Methods Aid in Mold and Indoor Air Quality Investigations
February 6, 2010
by A Accredited Mold Inspection Service
Concern over mold growth and other IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) problems are an ever increasing concern. Now two new and truly revolutionary scientific methods exist that aid in helping investigators resolve mysterious air quality and mold issues.
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Rigaku Introduces Cartesian Geometry EDXRF at ACS Fall 2009
August 17, 2009
by Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc.
Rigaku today introduced a new benchtop Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer, the Rigaku NEX CG, at the Fall 2009 American Chemical Society (ACS) national meeting in Washington, D.C.
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Rigaku Introduces the CrystalMation Intelli-Plate™ for Protein Crystallization
August 4, 2009
by Rigaku Automation
Rigaku Americas Corporation is pleased to announce that the company has entered in to an agreement with Art Robbins Instruments (Sunnyvale, CA) to offer a new high-throughput, low- profile, low-birefringence, UV compatible crystallization plate.
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Rigaku Establishes EDXRF Center of Excellence in Austin, Texas
July 27, 2009
by Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc.
Rigaku Corporation is pleased to announce the formation of a new research and development, manufacturing, sales, service and support subsidiary - Applied Rigaku Technologies, Inc. - dedicated to X-ray Fluorescence and related technologies.
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Learn How To Inject Dermal Fillers - Dermal Filler Training, Restylane Injection
May 21, 2009
by Aesthetic VideoSource
Learn how to inject dermal fillers, including a Restylane injection, a Juvederm injection, a Radiesse injection, and a Hylaform injection with this new dermal filler training DVD from Aesthetic VideoSource.
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